When it comes to website width, you really must remember that just because you are using a anime wallpaper widescreen does not mean everyone else is. Not everyone has switched over to anime wallpaper widescreen, and some may never because they don't like them. I know plenty of people who just don't like widescreen because they prefer to see more portrait rather than landscape. This is perfectly understandable. There are ways to make your website appear customized for widescreen without actually creating a negative for square-monitor users. One way is to widen the header and footer bar on your website. Choose a bold color and have it run off the page but keep all copy within narrower margins than the color because you want all copy to be seen on narrow monitors. Although it may seem like you're faking a widescreen website, this is the best way to do it because it will keep your website compatible with narrower monitors but at the same time appear wide for anime wallpaper widescreen.